"I'm not talented enough to be a painter. I'm not like Picasso or Matisse. I need nature to collaborate with me." Anselm Kiefer - Modern Painter Nov, 2006
1. a.k.a. Nikki S. Lee - 又名Nikki Lee 2. Tekkon Kinkreet - 惡童 3. Fresh Air - 媽媽香噴噴 4. 三峽好人/東 5. Klimt - 克林姆和她的女人 6. Tokyo Loop - 迴轉東京 7. Sway - 吊橋上的秘密 8. Traveling with Yoshitomo Nara - 奈良美智A to Z 9. Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film - 愛恨華荷